DEESME training and information event in Bulgaria, March 31, 2022
Our invitation for the training and information campaign for Bulgarian SMEs on March 31st is here! The training event will start at 14:00 in the Grand Hotel Millenium Sofia. It will provide information on the DEESME approach and the way that it supports Bulgarian enterprises on the way to higher energy efficiency.
The aim of the event is to get acquainted with the DEESME approach to support Bulgarian companies in implementing measures to save energy and implement low-carbon technologies, with special focus on the upcoming procedure for “Energy efficient technologies in SMEs” of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014 -2020 and the envisaged measures for improving the energy efficiency of the business in the draft of the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability.
We’ll make sure to share the key findings here in English after the event.